Enterprise-grade API solutions designed for business at scale

unique datasets
unique project pages
monthly updates
Try for Free.
Pay Only for What You Use.
Snapshot API
Retrieve a database snapshot file of an entire project (HTML dump), updated twice monthly or daily.
Daily updated snapshots and Structured Contents snapshots via an annual data usage commitment
All Project data included
+ parsed data beta
Free snapshots twice monthly
On-demand API
Retrieve the current live article from any project. Structured Contents beta endpoint (parsed Infobox, Sections, etc).
Make as many requests as you need with an annual request usage commitment
All Project data included
+ parsed data beta
Free 5,000 requests per month
Realtime API
Receive all article changes via real-time stream (aka firehose), or optionally as hourly batch files.
Unlimited access with an annual data usage commitment
All Project data included
Starting at $100K per year
Each API returns the same data and format. Pricing is based on data egress.
Royalty Free data with Open Licenses
Wikimedia Enterprise API data is subject to individual licensing under a set of open, royalty-free licenses and are included in every response object.

Formal Contracts, SLA, and Support
All Wikimedia Enterprise accounts include a help center (FAQs) and customer support. Paid accounts receive 99% SLA and support response time guarantees with a simple annual commitment.

No additional contract for data licensing
No additional costs beyond service delivery
No contractual lock-in around data itself
Keep data indefinitely